Mar 3, 2012

People with Guts and Soul #3 Xavi Olle

Xavi Ollé es un fenómeno. Es un ingeniero de sonido excepcional pero sobre todo un tio genuino que si no hubiese nacido en el Baix Llobregat seguro que lo hubiera hecho en Nashville (si no que se lo pregunten a los miembros de su banda, 'The Booty hunters').

Cuando le pregunté si había algun lugar en particular en el que le gustaría que hiciesemos la sesión enseguida me habló de un rincón remoto en el Montseny donde siendo un crio solía ir a bañarse cada verano.. asi que alli nos fuimos con un banjo y unas cervezas, a repetir la foto unas cuantas décadas después, rodeados de mosquitos y los 35 grados de rigor de finales de Julio.

Pasaros por mi web para verle protagonizar la tercera entrega de la serie PEOPLE WITH GUTS AND SOUL, esta vez con banda sonora de bluegrass. Aqui va.


Xavi Ollé is a phenomenon. He is an excepcional sound engineer and a genuine man who if hadn't been born at the baix LLobregat would definitely have come into the world in Nashville (ask his band mates at 'The Booty Hunters' and they'll tell you)

When i asked him if there would be any particular place he would like to pick up for the shooting he immediately mentioned this remote spot at the Montseny where he used to go swimming during the summers when he was a little kid.. so there we went with a banjo and a bunch of beers to recreate the picture a few decades later, surrounded by an army of mosquitos and the usual 35 degrees of a late July day.

Swing by my website to see him star at the third chapter of PEOPLE WITH GUTS AND SOULseries, this time with a bluegrass soundtrack. Here it goes.

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